A community of men encouraging and sharpening one another to conduct lives worthy of the calling they have received, spurring each other on towards love and good deeds.
Reflecting God’s generosity and goodness through food and building relationships by gathering together around the table.
Striving in every way to build God’s Kingdom and to produce fruit that will last.
Doing Good, cooking well, and serving through feeding the hungry and encouraging others towards abundant living through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our activities in the community center around weekly men’s gatherings, seasonal men’s retreats, and conducting seminars related to the masculine journey, leadership, marriage and life. Personalized coaching and mentoring services are offered to those wanting to grow in their relationship with God and simply do life a better way. We perform occasional "specialty catering" events at unique venues upon request. Our reputation with past clientele has been quoted as "a responsible group of artisans who turn out ‘over the top’ food dishes, in venues and locations where great food and timely delivery are not typically expected or experienced". Filling empty stomachs with great grub and empty souls with the good news of the gospel is our passion and calling in life, and we have a blast doing it!
EVANGELIZE • Introducing the lost to Christ • Matthew 28:19-20
OBEDIENCE • Following Jesus as Lord • Matthew 22:37-39
ENCOURAGE • Providing help and hope to others • 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Galations 6:2
ACTIONS • Having our actions speak louder than our words • James 2:18b
EATING • Praising God by living the abundant life • Ecclesiastes 5:28
FELLOWSHIP & FRIENDSHIP • Meeting together intentionally • Hebrews 10:25; Matthew 18:19
ETHICS • Conducting ourselves with honesty, integrity, honoring our commitments • Matthew 5:37